Know how to show this and you can build a large, growing team!

Excellent training from Isagenix leader, Rozanne Brozek regarding improving our people skills!
Six powerful and important reasons why I love this type of business, and specifically Isagenix. These 6 attributes should be integrated into your thinking and verbiage as you build your business!
Call with several top Associates telling stories about contacting. Who should we contact? How about using our ESP – Every Single Person!
Crystal Executive, Aleshia Klenk shares the importance of Isagenix in her life!
Peta Kelly’s dynamic presentation at NYKO included a challenge to write a personal letter to money. What an important exercise to get our thinking straight about this very important subject!
Our relationships with different people in our lives can be good or bad. A good relationship will be satisfying and fruitful. The same is true with money – what we think about it, how we treat it, and who is in control of the relationship are vital contemplations to having success with our finances. Here is the recorded message:
Our brains are beyond amazing, but our minds are even more powerful. Tap into the most powerful thing in existence after God–our thinking.
Listen here:
Tim Darnell on a roll! Powerful tips, some from our number one income earner, Jimmy “The Butcher” Smith — #wisdommerchant
Powerful knowledge to have at your command for those going to the top! #nutritionevangelist
When a Launch event is prepped correctly, you can be assured of attracting a significant number of Attendees. This concept is so compelling, that someone has to really be creative to NOT put this in motion! Our goal is to create $2K per week in income for our Associates by having Super Launch Parties, larger in thinking / scope than smaller Launch Parties.